Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!!!!

I always want to write and update about what's going on in our lives but then I feel like there is just too much... lol!

For the past 5 days we have been house sitting for my in-laws while they are away in Omaha for my nephew's graduation from high school. We stayed behind to watch their house and dog... spoiled dog. I feel like I have kept up with my child and a newborn for 5 days. :o)

It has been such a sweet blessing at the same time though. There home feels like 'home' to me.

Tony and I are stoked to one day have our own home again. For those of you who don't know us we bought a home shortly after we married and within about a year of living there we had a baby, Tony lost his job, I lost my job, our savings dwindled to a big fat ZERO within a few months and before we knew it we had our house on the market while we were moving in with my in-laws. Thank God we finally sold our house (shortsale), after a year of living with the in-laws (couped up in one bedroom with a new baby)we moved to an apartment in Spring Hill to get back on our feet. A year after the Spring Hill apartment I was working at a better job and so was Tony - so we moved to an apartment in Brentwood ... you can read some of my recent blogs about the floor issue in Brentwood and God's request to our hearts to move again - this time to an apartment in Franklin.

Our Franklin apartment is such a humbling blessing in disguise. We see the work of the Lord all around us and we are so stoked for our future! We are on the Dave Ramsey plan and are so thankful for a chance to start over. We are enjoying the moment but being taken out of our 'comfort zone' ... or the "bubble" as me and Tony call it - has really helped us to get a plan in action. I am pumped to one day write to you on here with all the details of our new house!!!! Until then I'll document the journey.

God bless you and keep you! AND... God bless our soldiers who defend our country. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Monday, May 9, 2011


I don't even know how to begin writing this so I'm going to let my thoughts roll off of my fingertips without thinking twice about making this sound good - how it turns out is how it turns out.

I'm exhausted.

The weekend before last we moved. You can read the previous blogs for that whole story. We had some amazing friends help us with our move. Within a week I almost had every box unpacked and all the miscellaneous items put away.

Within that ONE week a lot has happend including but not limited to - two sleepless nights and Tony's car being scratched by a bicycle handle bar with no rubber protector. *Sigh*

Our new apartment was a bottom level and one night we noticed that our upstairs neighbor sounded like she was running back and forth through her apartment from around 11:00 PM - 4:00 AM Non stop. Very odd. Tony and I did not sleep at all that night. We reported this disturbance to the office and the neighbor was notified of the disturbance. The next night ... the exact same thing.

Long story short - the property manager told us we could move upstairs in another building. This past weekend we moved to that other building.

Seriously... we moved then moved again.

Although I'm complaining I have to share the silver lining.

God called us to this move and we moved in obedience. In that one week after our first move we didn't feel peace. Not that I question God but I was confused.

When we entered the upstairs apartment immediately the peace came over us. I can't say what God's plan was in this double move - but I can say what the enemy means for bad God can turn to good and the final result was overwhelming peace that only God can provide.

I'll be writing another blog in a bit that explains some other things that were going on during the past two weeks that I don't feel fit in this particular blog.

So anyway - a double move - not something I would have planned for but God has provided peace, strength, and a way. He is good. Always.

Happy Monday!